--- An example of how to use avandu with awesome. -- @module awesome_example -- ... Awesome imports -- Import avandu. local avandu = require 'avandu' -- ... -- Set the proper URL for the Tiny Tiny RSS API. avandu.ttrss_url = "https://example.com/tt-rss/api/" -- Create a widget to show the number of unread articles. local unread = avandu.unread() or '?' myrsslist = wibox.widget.textbox() myrsslist:set_text(" rss: " .. unread) -- Create a timer to update the widget once every 60 seconds. myrsslisttimer = timer({ timeout = 60 }) myrsslisttimer:connect_signal( "timeout", function () local unread = avandu.unread() or '?' myrsslist:set_text(" rss: " .. unread) end ) myrsslisttimer:start() -- ... for s = 1, screen.count() do -- ... if s == 1 then -- Add the created widget to the wibox. right_layout:add(myrsslist) -- ... end -- ... end -- ...